Victoria Vesna Victoria Vesna responds May 1, 2004 Community of People with No Time March 6, 2005 Victoria Vesna responds in turn March 30, 2004
Espen Aarseth Espen Aarseth responds May 1, 2004 Genre Trouble May 21, 2004 Espen Aarseth responds in turn May 21, 2004 Genre Trouble (sidebar) May 19, 2004
Cris Mazza No Victims, the anti-theme September 1, 1996 A response to Lisa Yaszek and writing postfeminism January 30, 2005
Michael Mateas A Preliminary Poetics May 1, 2004 Michael Mateas responds in turn May 2, 2004 Michael Mateas responds January 9, 2004 Writing Façade: A Case Study in Procedural Authorship February 22, 2008
Ken Perlin Between a Game and a Story? May 1, 2004 Ken Perlin responds in turn May 2, 2004 Between a Game and a Story? (Sidebar) May 1, 2004 Ken Perlin’s response November 6, 2004
Martin Rosenberg Deleuze and Guattari, Cognitive Science, and Feminist Visual Arts: Kiki Smith’s Bodies Without Organs Without Bodies September 1, 1996