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Enthralled by Systems

[…]shared by many critics. What LeClair championed in DeLillo: ” The Names first seems to obey the codes of domestic realism, but it broadens to a multinational systems novel” (In the Loop 204) is what he has tried to simulate in his Greek theatre of basketball but like so many other novelists coming to sport in this century, he has not quite believed that basketball could carry its own weight, to stand adequately for what needs to be represented. Yet at times Keever stands his jock ground against the evil internationalists with only his sporting doxa to protect him. “Athletes […]

A Poetics of the Link

[…]should speak of hypertexts or cybertexts, and whether games or texts should be the object of critical attention) toward more general issues concerning the creation, preservation, and archiving of electronic literature. Because its form is integral to the html-based form of the earlier version of the electronic book review, we present Parker’s essay as a free-standing project, available here. Rettberg’s and Kirschenbaum’s entries can be read in their original formats as ebr riPOSTes or they can be accessed in the current interface. All are included under the blue thREAD, […]

The Politics of Postmodern Architecture

[…]involves a tacit complicity with capitalist power. Wilson’s essay appears to legitimize this critical position. For much of his essay, Wilson argues that unlike the closed systems of Islamic art, the World Trade Center exemplifies the open systems of secular American art. It is this sense of openness that engenders the multiple possibilities associated with the WTC. Wilson’s celebration of this open system relies on a departure from an economic opposition to the towers, but on several occasions he alludes to an economic defense of their properties of openness. He speaks of how the users of the towers respond to […]

Readability, Web Publishing, and ebr: A Riposte to Eye Magazine

[…]creates a great opportunity for synergistic collaboration among editors, designers, novelists, critical theorists, programmers, and the like. Our goal is not to repurpose the past of print, but, rather, to invent new forms of rhetoric that intervene in our dynamic present. Admittedly, the standards for doing this are still developing. And, for some time to come, it will be necessary to publish writing whose form is transplanted from print to web. But in the meantime, the least that a journal can offer is an alternative to the single-minded, linear reading that keeps critics like Shaughnessy from seeing what’s in front […]
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Electronic Pies in the Poetry Skies

[…]in various interactive spaces does not necessarily allow for a greater range of exchange. The group dynamics that hamper exchange in “live” settings have colonized our electronic interactions. & you can never completely rid yourself of this virus but you can be a more or less hospitable host. Decentralization allows for multiple, conflicting authorities not the absence of authority. Authority is dead; editing begins. Mass culture is not the same as popular culture. Fostering dissent on the Web requires the invention of new formats. Authority in the defense of liberty is not linear. The destruction, in the U.S., of TV […]

Capitalist Construction

[…]of September 11, a painter named Vanessa Lawrence and a sculptor named Michael Richards were both working in their studios. Lawrence escaped when the plane struck the building, but Richards did not.” The meaning of a building emerges from its appearance in relation to its uses, and to the experiences of people using it. The WTC functioned as a Post-modern structure inviting people to live Post-modern lives. Of course my thoughts are distorted: I want the lives of the people who were working in the buildings to have been happy and useful. However, since for me consolations are false […]

Delete the Border!

[…]is one of the only ways in which young people can make a “fine” living. Polleros: organized groups in charge of the exportation of a Mexican cheap labor force into the USA. Their activity is treated as if highly illegal, although it is obvious that these persons are structurally permanent within the system. A few years ago their primary methods consisted of crossing people through the desert, but they have evolved in many ways, particularly the use of technology to make false ID papers. Students: kids who decide to spend extra time commuting in order to get a U.S. education. […]

Positioning Hypertext in Chomsky’s Hierarchy of Grammars

[…]are now in excellent condition. Let’s write! Bibligraphy Cayley, John, “Pressing the Reveal Code Key,” EJournal, Volume 6 Number 1, 1996, Marshall, Catherine C., Halasz, Frank G., Rogers, Russell A. and Janssen, William C. Jr., “Aquanet: a hypertext tool to hold your knowledge in place,” Proceedings of Hypertext `91, ACM, New York, 1991, pp. 261-275. Marshall, Catherine C., Shipman, Frank M. III, and Coombs, James H., “VIKI: Spatial Hypertext Supporting Emergent Structure,” European Conference on Hypermedia Technology 1994 Proceedings, ACM, New York, 1994, pp. 13-23. Park, Seongbin, “Structural Properties of Hypertext,” Hypertext ’98: The Proceedings of the Ninth ACM […]
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The Avant-Garde and the Question of Literature

[…]historical specificity, its present fix. A second confusion has to do with the avant-garde’s uncritical enthusiasm for any and everything that calls itself innovative, regardless of an “innovation’s” sterility, irrelevance, or just plain stupidity. Cavell speaks of this tendency as the avant-garde’s “promiscuous attention” to newness, a phrase intended to suggest both indiscriminate coupling and infidelity. The idea is that the avant-garde habitually conflates novelty with change, imagining that artistic advance results from mere unconventionality, from difference as such. Call this the “farther out than thou” syndrome. And the third confusion is a tendency, already implicit in the avant-garde’s military […]
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Welcome to Baltimore

[…]that more enemies were attacking in front…But when the shouts grew louder and nearer, as each group came up it went pelting along to the shouting men in front, and the shouting was louder and louder as the crowds increased. Xenophon thought it must be something very important; he mounted his horse and galloped to bring help forward. As he rode he heard the soldiers shouting “Sea!” “Sea!” and passing the word along in waves. Derrida Consumed by Crabs 1966. Derrida arrives in Baltimore, twenty-nine city blocks north of where we are now, to deliver, for the first time on […]