Michael Jarrett practices an Ulmer-inspired heuretics to write about rap.
Marcel O'Gorman offers a candid account of what it means to introduce the computer apparatus into teaching in the humanities.
Craig Saper ingeniously interprets Gregory Ulmer as an object of study, as both a vehicle and driver of signification.
Rowan Wilken sets himself the challenge of theorizing the unrepresentable in relation to the architectural model of the diagram.
Joseph Tabbi and Gregory Ulmer discuss what intellectual work will be like in the new electracy.
Alex Reid examines a cross-section of essays in Prefiguring Cyberculture, a work that historicizes the future as neither alarmist nor utopian.
Darren Tofts and Lisa Gye introduce the collection of essays, appearing here in the electropoetics thread, from the Alt-x e-book The Illogic of Sense.